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Organizational structure:
The organizational structure design management division of labor based on the design of organization required management departments as well as the relationship between the various management unit. Its role is to design and maintain an environment under certain conditions, the commencement of coordination within the organization so that the management of the enterprise, enabling managers of organizations have the resources, effective planning, organization, leadership and control, and complete target enterprise organizational structure is an important tool for the implementation of the strategy, a good business strategy to adapt the organizational structure and enterprise can only work to complete. Organizational structure design should include the following aspects:
First, the design of the corporate governance structure of the enterprise: the shareholders' meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors, general manager of settings; rights and responsibilities divided; rules of procedure.
Second, the design of the functional management of the enterprise: the business, the functions of the room settings;
Third, the design of enterprise subordinate production business units: the Division system, all branches, subsidiaries, regional companies.

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